Victoria Report – 2015 was a good year

MLA Jackie Tegart looks back at the highlights of her year.

As one year ends and another begins, it’s important to take a look back at what we have accomplished in the past and what we hope to achieve in the future.

For the Ashcroft/Cache Creek/Clinton area it was a busy 2015 with some major road improvements along the Hwy 1, 97C and 97 corridors, funding for a Health Shuttle, support for the devastating flood in Cache Creek, and more than $743,000 from the Small Community Grant Program (for a complete list of Fraser Nicola 2015 achievements visit my website

Transportation is an issue in our rural areas and this past year the Ministry of Transportation has completed significant portions of the 2015/2016 Road Improvement Program valued at over $44M in Fraser Nicola. Road improvements in our area included resurfacing portions of Hwy 1, 97C and 97, as well as resurfacing Evans Road, a portion of Loon Lake Road, and installation of sidewalk bump outs at the crosswalks on Hwy 97 in Clinton.

On the health front, while I’m so proud of the collaborative work with WHAC and IHA that made the Health Shuttle possible, it is only an interim measure until residents of Ashcroft receive the services of two foreign trained doctors in February. A Health Services meeting was held in late November which provided residents with an update on initiatives underway to improve local health services and to introduce the new doctors Debra Obu and Amgad Zake.

This year, I was also pleased to be able to announce substantial funding contributions for local infrastructure projects in Ashcroft, Logan Lake, and Cache Creek. The province also supported our local arts and culture community with contributions to Winding Rivers for the production of My Fair Lady, Gold Country for their geocaching event, the Fall Fair and PAC.

Together we have accomplished much this past year. I am honored to represent you in Victoria, and thank you for the work you do for your communities.

I am looking forward to 2016 and wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!


Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal