View From the Porch

Lorraine Doiron writes about the world around her.

The 19th of June in the year 1865, slavery officially came to an end in the United States. Now June 19 is recognized officially in 36 states as “Juneteenth” and is a day for celebration commemorating freedom and emphasizing education and achievement.

Saw the removal of the paintings done by local students, on the old building by the Salvation Army. Apparently the building is slated to be taken down so the paintings were removed. Some will go to the high school portables; others will be used during the Mountain Music Festival. Facundo Gastiazoro was involved with the students who did the paintings and said it was a positive experience for the students to be involved in, especially putting together the painting depicting multiculturism: choosing what to paint, how to put it together, choosing colors. It made everybody think about their own culture and how to represent it in a painting. Sad to see them go as they added a certain cachet to that end of town.

Lost dog: Peanut, a two year old Chihuahua, white with large brown spots has gone missing from his home in the Hudson Bay Mobile Home Park. Somehow he escaped his yard and has been gone for several days. His return would be greatly appreciated by his family who miss him. Call 847-3967 if you know anything about where he might be.

Did you know: The fuzz on a tennis ball slows down the ball in flight, keeps it from bouncing too high, and lets the racket get a better grip on it.

Last Saturday, Hector Brassard celebrated his 80th Birthday with about 45 of his friends. His wife Wendy prepared a surprise party for him, complete with tent, by telling him it was a baby shower. Hector is a member of the Lake Kathlyn Protection Society and runs the weed harvesting machine on a volunteer basis. In 1995 there were so many weeds in the lake that you could not paddle without getting caught up. Now everyone uses the lake, free from weeds. I heard that his unofficial title is Mayor of Lake Kathlyn. I hope you had the best birthday ever, and wishing you many more.

Since I have been walking more now that I have an energetic walking buddy, I found some websites to help me along. find music with a rhythmic beat that will help to make your walk lighter. You can choose selections based on your favorite music genre or the length of your walk. Step ‘n’ shop: the S2H STEP is a pedometer that rewards physical activity with points redeemable for cool products. Every 10,000 steps gets you a code that is displayed on the pedometer, granting you 60 points at You can earn DVDs, retail gift cards and more. No fee to participate, the pedometer is available from ($20) or or Sears.

Closing with: Do not fear mistakes, there are none. Miles Davis

Lorraine Doiron writes the weekly View from the Porch.

Smithers Interior News