Views of election prove misguided

NANAIMO – Re: B.C. Liberals deserve pre-election implosion, Letters, April 13.

To the Editor,

Re: B.C. Liberals deserve pre-election implosion, Letters, April 13.

Yet another well-meaning but misguided view of the coming election.

Let’s remember all that has happened every time the NDP came into power in B.C.

Overly-rich wage increases in several sectors including B.C. Ferries and the teachers and extra taxes imposed on large businesses and high wage earners that crippled the economy and led to recession in the province.

And, of course, financial fiascoes such as the fast cat ferries and the surplus that never was.

Unfortunately, I am afraid that since we don’t have any viable alternative – the B.C. Conservatives are a bad joke – then we have all those who believe the NDP will make life better when they have never proved they can.

J. Sharpe


Nanaimo News Bulletin