‘Vile beef’ in competing newspaper not very Christian

Dear editor,

I feel compelled to write this letter, as I cannot let pass the vile “beef” in the Feb. 28 edition of the Comox Valley Echo.

Dear editor,

I feel compelled to write this letter, as I cannot let pass the vile “beef” that was printed in the Feb. 28 edition of the Comox Valley Echo.

Referring to the rainbow pride flag that flew at Courtenay City Hall for the duration of the Sochi Olympics as an “abomination” is hateful and unworthy of publication. I will not let this hatred and discrimination pass unchallenged in my community, and remain astonished that the Echo elected to print this particular “beef.”

To the writer of this beef — you do not speak for me. I also fear you do not understand the spirit of Christianity, and are unfortunately relying on the “letter” of the Bible to justify your hate and fear.

I will simply quote the Biblical verse you yourself referenced as rebuttal (Genesis 9 – V12): “Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

Did you all get that last bit? The “all living creatures of every kind on the earth” bit?

I do not read any conditions or discriminatory statement in this verse, nor many of the verses of the Bible and most of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

I also wish to address the “beef,” published in the same edition of the Echo, that chastised city councillors for connecting the flying of the rainbow flag to the Olympics.

These acts are very much connected.

In Russia, vigilante groups are actively and publicly accosting those they deem to be LGBT. These groups are detaining and beating victims, sometimes to death, with no fear of reprisal.

As such, our council was joining many other organizations across the civilized world in condemning these acts, and the laws of repression that have been passed in Russia, through the simple act of flying the rainbow flag during the Sochi Olympics.

This is not political opportunism — this is expressing our hard-won values as Canadians.

Canadians who believe in our charter of rights and freedoms that states: “Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.”

Andrew Gower,

Comox Valley


Comox Valley Record