Visitor to Victoria recalls wartime visit

Trip to Fairmont Empress Hotel brings back memories

Recently my son treated me to a trip to Victoria and a wonderful stay at the Fairmont Empress Hotel. I was very impressed with the way the staff took care of us and made our time there extremely enjoyable.

As a young man serving in the RCAF during the Second World War, I was able to save up the princely sum of $12.50 to take my new bride to the Empress for our honeymoon. Returning there 67 years later brought back a flood of fond memories of our life together.

Sadly my wife was not able to enjoy this moment, as she passed away three years ago, but I am sure she was looking down on us smiling and keeping a watchful eye.

I would like to thank the people of Victoria for their warmth and hospitality during our visit. It made the stay in your city that much more enjoyable.

Ralph E. Johnson

White Rock

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