Vison preservation makes good sense

Macular degeneration doesn’t have to be such a limiting factor on your life


ge related macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in people over 55.

This is a slow yet progressive erosion of the vision cells, rods and cones, at the back of the eye, at the retina.  There are two types:  wet (5-10 percent) and dry (90-95 percent).

In the wet form, lines may look wavy. This is from leaky blood vessels forming under the macula. In the wet form, degeneration is faster than in the dry form.

The dry form usually leaves small deposits, called drusen, under the retina.

These can be detected by your doctor during an eye exam.  In early stages, visual changes may be minor, where people complain of blurry vision or eye fatigue.

Later, it becomes more noticeable.

Eyeglasses may get changed but eventually this provides little improvement. Moderate to severe macular degeneration can mean the loss of a driver’s license and the accompanying blindness.

As tragic as this sounds, there are treatments that help prevent and slow the progression of macular degeneration.

The National Eye Institute recommends high doses of antioxidants as a way of reducing the risk of macular degeneration.

On the market today, there are several eye health formulas available. A complex that has vitamins, minerals, lutein, and some herbs that promote eye circulation can be quite helpful. Even better would be an eye program that also increases levels of glutathione.

When it comes to eye health, nutrients have got to get in while garbage has got to get out.

Obviously, circulation is important for the eyeball. As such, chelation therapy is highly indicated. Improving circulation leads to a better supply of nutrients and antioxidants. Glutathione supports the detoxification of the eye, so it is less congested with free radicals.

The most efficient way of raising glutathione is through intravenous administration because the molecule is large and difficult to absorb if taken orally.

Since being trained in the states, I have been recommending eye support protocols that involve specialized eye intravenous therapy along with vision support eye drops.

It is rewarding to have both subjective (patient observed) and objective (lab tested) improvements in eye health.



Taking an active role to prevent and slow macular degeneration includes the following:



1. Stop smoking.

2. Manage high blood pressure

3. Use UV protection in sunglasses

4. Eat a healthy diet

5. Take a supplement designed for eye health

6. Raise glutathione levels

7. Improve circulation

8. Enhance your nutrient status for eye preservation



Our vision is very important and if one is able to take pro-active steps toward the maintenance of our eyesight, the preservation is well worth the time and effort put in to enhance the likelihood of ongoing good vision.


Tara Macart is a regular columnist with the news.



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