Volunteer equity

Resident believes all volunteers should be treated the same

I believe Richard Rolke’s headline in his column Jan. 13 should have read equity for volunteers.

Bob Spiers believes auxiliary policemen should have the same tax credit as volunteer firemen.

The definition of a volunteer  is a person who volunteers services willingly and without pay.

I don’t know if search and rescue and auxiliary policemen are paid a wage when on duty, but volunteer firemen apparently are paid a wage when they are called to attend a fire, and as such, should not be called volunteers, and as such, should be not entitled to a tax credit when they are accepting a taxable income for their part-time job.

I am sure all of us would like a $3,000 tax break when we volunteer for all of the minor sports teams and for people volunteering at hospitals and senior’s homes.

Why should firemen and police officers be able to receive a tax credit for volunteering when we have hundreds of people in our community that volunteer legitimately their time and expertise and at their own expense, and they aren’t allowed to receive a tax credit?

Anybody who decides to be a fireman or policeman knows that sometime they may be at risk but it is their decision to accept that risk and pursue their chosen profession, and not expect to get special treatment via their taxes and or any other means.

There is no distinct society in Canada, or to word it better, there isn’t supposed to be, and special interest groups should not expect special treatment.

Firemen and policemen are public employees, and as such, should not expect to receive special tax breaks over the taxpaying public.

So Mr. Spiers, how about changing your petition  so all people who volunteer to help other people, with no wage, can get the same tax break?

Dave Jones



Vernon Morning Star