Volunteers help keep Area B thriving and active

"...I have been working with CPR on the new scheduling, which seems to have borne some positive results..."

Welcome to Spring … almost … to all Lower Columbia/Old Glory (Area B) residents and surrounding Communities.

It has been a busy winter season with all the activity on (Area B) recreation lands of BlackJack Ski trails and Nancy Greene/Paulson areas offering a variety of winter sport for all residents of the West Kootenay and beyond.

BlackJack was host to the prestigious NorAm ski races once again, with improvements and support from not just Area B coffers, but surrounding areas as well.

The financial gain from these events help support the economy in neighbouring Municipalities that offer accommodation and meals, as well as a few B & B ‘s in (Area B).

Many thanks to the hard work of the volunteers who groom the trails and keep these treasured lands open and available for our winter and summer recreation.

On that note, the volunteers of trail groups for recreational lands of Lower Columbia/Old Glory will now be busy working on clearing the Seven Summits and other trails and backcountry multi-user groups in Area B, for the pleasure of the local and vacationing public.

Area B halls and parks are getting ready for another season of rental/program activity.

The Casino Hall was given a major upgrade thanks to a generous donation from Columbia Basin Trust and matching funds from Area B coffers.  Watch for the open house in April/May.

The RDKB Genelle Hall is overseen and run by an energetic and dedicated group of volunteers and senior group, and offer some great programs that are utilized by residents of the whole district as well as Castlegar residents.

Again, there aren’t enough words to thank these dedicated and hard working volunteers who keep these parks and halls running and providing such a wonderful place to play and partake in programs offered, and hall rentals for all occasions.

I will continue to work hard for the residents of Area B on matters of concern and interest.

Most recently and on a continued path, I have been working with CPR on the new scheduling, which seems to have borne some positive results, and also continue on with the upgrade to crossings, as with the Genelle crossing at China Creek which was modernized and improved and now with Rivervale Crossing which is scheduled to be done in 2015.

Along with that is the upgrade to continuous rail which will be installed this year to the end of the line at Teck operations.

This will add safety and perhaps some peace of mind for residents who live along a rail line that transports dangerous products from Teck and through their communities.

It is budget time at RDKB and I pledge as always, to be fiscally responsible on behalf of and in regard to all Lower Columbia/Old Glory taxpayers, of Paterson, Sheep Creek, South Belt, Blackjack, Casino, Oasis, Rivervale, and Genelle and their contributions to sustain and maintain this beautiful and amazing land and communities we live, work and play in.

Watch for a newsletter soon with information regarding upcoming decisions on shared Recreation Services with Trail, as this agreement comes to an end on December 31, 2015.

Linda Worley is the Director for Area B

Community Comment is an opportunity for elected officials from our local municipalities to update citizens in the region on the events, plans and progress in their respective communities. Every Friday, the Trail Times will present, on a rotating basis, a submission from councils, school trustees or regional district directors.

Trail Daily Times