Volunteers help us all

I’m saddened at The Leader’s Question of the Week. Sixty-one per cent of respondents have never benefited from the efforts of a volunteer?

A letter writer says if you look, volunteer efforts are visible everywhere in the community.

A letter writer says if you look, volunteer efforts are visible everywhere in the community.

I’m saddened at the results of The Leader’s Question of the Week April 24. Sixty-one per cent of respondents have never benefited from the efforts of a volunteer?

These 61 per cent need to get their faces out of their screens and get out into their real community.

I see volunteers like retiree Walter helping out at their local elementary schools; volunteers help maintain our parks; I regularly have volunteer canvassers going door to door, and at malls, raising money for all sorts of charities that benefit us all.

I witness coaches and managers sharing their expertise with young teams and I am aware of the many Lions, Kiwanis, and other service clubs who selflessly add to our community through any number of projects.

Roadsigns are everywhere that proclaim that litter control is maintained by volunteers, and hospitals, museums and live theatres often have candy stripers, volunteer ushers and docents.

Thanks for discovering this huge ignorance among your readership.


Rob Hollins

Surrey Now Leader