
We get it, you’re tired of putting an X or a check or circling the name of whomever you may deem to be “the lesser of the evils.”

You have voter fatigue, you’re annoyed at how much elections cost, you don’t think it matters anyway, all those politicians are selfish, scheming, slimy snakes.

Honestly, we get it.

But on bended knee we implore you to get out there and vote.

The last day of advanced polls was Monday, so now the final day to have your say is May 2.

And if you’re feeling you don’t know the candidates as well as you should, there’s still time to read up on their parties, thoughts and promises.

In Cariboo-North we have:

• Dick Harris for the Conservative Party of Canada,

• Sangeeta Lalli  represents the Liberal Party of Canada,

• Heidi Redl  for the Green Party of Canada,

• Jon Ronan is running as an Independent,

• Henry Thiessen for the Christian Heritage Party of Canada,

• Jordan Turner represents the Rhinoceros Party,

• Jon Van Barneveld for the New Democratic Party.

You can check out each and every one of these candidates online simply by heading to There you will find candidate information, voter information, campaign office phone numbers, where to vote, what to bring and party specifics. Not a computer person? No, problem, call Elections Canada at 1-800-463-6868.

It’s not just about having your say, or contributing to your community, it’s about the future, it’s about democracy, it’s about giving a damn.

This is not just our right, it is our responsibility.

And if you can’t muster the inspiration, the time or the sense of obligation, please keep your political bashing to yourself.

You do not have the right to bitch if you can’t bother to show up to the polls.

–Autumn MacDonald, Observer



Quesnel Cariboo Observer