Vote for a Canada we can believe in

I have had to switch allegiances for this federal election and cast my advance poll vote for the New Democrats.

Having been a member of the Green party since 1988 and having advocated on behalf of the principles and policies of that party as a candidate in three different elections, I was disappointed to find that the NDP had managed to convince Pixie Hobby, an excellent environmental lawyer and upbeat hard-working member of our community, to represent them in my constituency.

I have had to switch allegiances for this federal election and cast my advance poll vote for the New Democrats.

Of course, what I’m hoping will be the final outcome, after my fellow Canadians have voted in record numbers, is that we will have a coalition government with the inspirational Elizabeth May as the prime minister.

On Oct. 19, let’s get out in record numbers to vote for a Canada we believe in.

Steve Chitty, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader