Vote for candidates who can say no

Dear editor,

There are some good candidates out there to choose from in the Comox Valley.

Dear editor,

There are some good candidates out there to choose from in the Comox Valley.

Unfortunately, there are some other candidates who do not understand that local government must constantly review their spending.

We cannot keep increasing property taxes (especially to business owners that pay three times the amount on equal valued property) to pay for ever-increasing demands of the taxpayers. This is no different to when our children want this and that, when we ourselves want a new car, a new TV or house, we have to ask ourselves can we really afford it.

Just because personally we want or would like something, it must still fit into our ability to pay; otherwise we end up as some cities in the U.S. have done and gone bankrupt or as some countries in the world that are on the brink of financial collapse.

I can guarantee that in those cases it is the politicians who are to blame for not saying no to expenses the city or country couldn’t afford.

We do not want to sink into ever-increasing debt at the local government level, or even worse, burden our children with that debt.

Please support the fiscal conservatives running for office, the ones with the common sense to say no.

Murray Presley,


Editor’s note: After 15 years on Courtenay council, Murray Presley is not running for re-election.

Comox Valley Record