Vote with your head, not your heart in upcoming U.S. and 2013 B.C. provincial election

Whether you are voting in the 2013 B.C. provincial election or the upcoming U.S. presidential election, vote for the best person.

A slow summer has given way to a tense provincial situation in British Columbia as the Liberal party faces off against the New Democrats (NDP).

In the past two weeks, Liberal and finance minister Kevin Falcon has stepped down, followed by Education Minister George Abbott, Children and Family Development Minister Mary McNeil, and parliamentary secretary to the premier John Les.

Of course, in the United States we have Republican presidential nominees Mitt Romney and vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan vying for spots in office as incumbent Barack Obama seeks another term … but I won’t get started on that situation.

Think about the issues that concern you and be active, whether it’s about the Northern Gateway pipeline, aging infrastructure, or the teacher’s position and their opposition to Bill 22.

It’s not necessarily about the titles of group but what they stand for (be it the NDP, Liberal Party or the Conservative Party), my take on this is that you remember to focus on what the politician has to offer.

As much as I oppose much of the Conservative Party’s current stances, should a Conservative MP in my riding stand up for the causes I believe in, he or she shall get my vote.

I know, I know – shocking right?

Similarly, it shouldn’t be about whether it is a man or woman, or even if they are religious or non-religious.  No matter who is seeking a term in office, it is about what he or she has to offer to the community, city, province, or country. What can they do to improve the place where I live?

Though the labels may appeal to the masses, don’t forget to look at what the package has to offer; learn about their platforms and the causes they support.

I know I’ve spoken of the importance of voting, especially given that there was a municipal election last November in Grand Forks and across the province, but it is an integral part of a democratic nation.

And yes, while it is several months away, on Monday, May 14, 2013, choose the politician that best represents your own choices and beliefs, not just because they represent a certain party.

– Cassandra Chin is reporter for the Grand Forks Gazette

Grand Forks Gazette