Voters need to hear options before Oct. 19

‘Anybody But Conservative’ voters want Stephen Harper replaced by Trudeau or Mulcair


‘Anybody But Conservative’ voters want Stephen Harper replaced by Trudeau or Mulcair, who –ironically – are actually splitting the ABC vote. A majority for either would be a welcome 180-degree turnaround.

Unfortunately, 180 degrees is only a semi-revolution.

Mulcair, like Trudeau, promises real change,’ but has muzzled candidates and supported free trade agreements that violate NDP policy.

A more democratic agenda might also be more revolutionary – like insisting on Elizabeth May’s inclusion in debates.

Notwithstanding CBC news anchor Peter Mansbridge’s presidential-style election coverage, Canada, unlike the U.S., enjoys a multi-party system.

Leaders need to communicate – not  excommunicate, muzzle or whip representatives, who occasionally dissent from the official party line, but offer positive options and solutions.

Mansbridge and his so-called ‘main leaders’ could learn a lot from May and other Vancouver Island Greens, whose support is surging – like Green Party of Canada International Trade and Investment critic Paul Manly.

Whether the cats running Canada end up being Liberal, BQ, Conservative, NDP or Green, Canadian mice deserve to at least hear the options before we make our choice.

Norman AbbeyNanaimo




Ladysmith Chronicle