Voters urged to make ‘right’ choice

Some polls have suggested that the NDP enjoy a sparse lead as we near the upcoming federal election

Some polls have suggested that the NDP enjoy a sparse lead as we near the upcoming federal election.  It would, I think, benefit voters, especially in our corner of BC, to recall how the NDP encumbers not only our futures, but those of our children.

The NDP have left massive debt and downgraded credit ratings in every province where they have held office. We in B.C. are still digging out from under – nearly two decades later.  Most of us remember when friends and family migrated to Alberta and Ontario by the thousands, as did a significant number of corporations, because the job and taxation climate became untenable under the NDP’s mismanagement. Our poor Albertan neighbours have had their debt doubled in less than two months by the students and lobbyists who form the new NDP government in their province.

On the other hand, the Conservative government shepherded Canada through one of the worst global recessions in half a century; we kept our homes, had jobs and were able to sustain our families through the work provided by infrastructure programs where most necessary.  We enjoy the lowest taxation rate in 50 years, and were recently voted ‘Most admired country in the world.’

Like in the B.C. provincial election that was so wrongly predicted an NDP sweep, I have no doubt that the people of the North Okanagan-Shuswap will once again make the – right choice.

Jordan Ross


Salmon Arm Observer