Voting against dad

Oh, the irony.

As I read various newspaper editorials claiming that the majority of voters prefer the political centre, unlike new left-wing NDP leader Adrian Dix, there are in fact voters such as myself who were raised as fiscal/social conservatives and would vote accordingly.

Indeed, my father was a “vote-for-anything-but-the-NDP” man (now deceased), and I had followed his lead.

However, ideologies change, and unless there’s a major reason for me to go politically awry, the next provincial election will be the first election in which I’ll vote NDP.

Why? Because a strong socially conscious leader like Dix will be at the helm to challenge the B.C. Liberals, who are in many ways ideologically libertarian – ie. survival of the wealthiest and/or well-employed – and ardently intent on giving tax breaks and taxpayers’ money to big corporations and towards privately owned casino operations’ capital costs.

For my intense political philosophy, I’d never be apologetic… except to my father.

Sorry, Dad, but a voter’s gotta do what a voter’s gotta do.

Frank G. Sterle,  Jr.

White Rock

Surrey Now Leader