Voting in another puppet politician is not the answer

Voting in another puppet politician is not the answer

Now their focus has shifted to depopulation.

Voting in another puppet politician is not the answer

Re: “We must vote for action on climate change in next federal election”

Matt Kercher says the federal government’s recently released climate report “carries some stark warnings about Canada’s possible future.” He says “if the report is to be taken seriously” it “should terrify us all.” But, when our current prime minister speaks global warming and carbon tax from one side of his mouth and more pipelines from the other, how could any report from his government be taken seriously or terrify us?

Kercher believes climate change is a “generational issue” as it is less of a priority for the older generations because “they will not have to face the effects of climate change.” Actually, most of us older folks have children and grandchildren and are just as concerned about the future as he is. To counter this perceived “generational crisis,” Kercher asks young people to make their voices heard at the next federal election, but what difference will THAT make? Politicians are owned by powerful international corporate entities and those who reach the top positions are bribed or blackmailed to ensure they adhere to “the agenda,” so voting in yet another puppet politician is obviously not the answer.

For decades, globalists have indoctrinated the masses with the idea that humans are a blight upon the earth and that there are simply too many of us for the planet to sustain. The truth is, big corporations have become so obscenely rich and powerful through their unsustainable plundering and profiteering of the world’s resources, that they no longer need all those consumers to milk. Now their focus has shifted to depopulation. Culling humanity down to a more “manageable” size.

Our “controllers” know that intentionally invoked fear and guilt is an effective method of social control and “global warming” is but one example of this. We are made to feel guilty for our forced dependency on oil and kept in fear of an imagined climate catastrophe. Of course, if we just watch our “carbon footprint” and give up a few more rights and freedoms, MAYBE the disaster can be averted.

Kercher and other young people are falling for another psychological tactic known as “divide and conquer.” “Millennials” and “generation Z” are being encouraged to blame the “baby boomers” for environmental degradation, when the real culprits are big corporations. Students around the globe are staging “school strikes” to protest the older generation’s supposed lack of concern. Young women on “birth strikes,” vow to bear no children because a climate crisis looms in the future. These “labels” and “movements” are a way of keeping us divided and blaming each other, as we play right into the globalists’ agenda.

Climate is ALWAYS changing. As for the “human factor,” we should be far more “terrified” of the potential effects of 20 years of geo-engineering (high altitude aerosol spraying) than any rise in CO2 levels. I believe the global warming hoax is nothing more than a distraction to keep us from realizing the true threat to our future, which is the global fascist takeover.

David Work

Lake Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen