Voting the party line is all too common

Many members of Mr. Harper’s own caucus are concerned and, at least as of today, the treaty is not ratified.

Two letter writers in the December 7, 2012 edition made comments on my work as your MP.

Thanks to Joan Dean for raising the threat posed by the Canada-China Investment Treaty. The Prime Minister signed it in early September.

I have been working hard, as Ms.Dean hoped, against ratification of the treaty.

Many members of Mr. Harper’s own caucus are concerned and, at least as of today, the treaty is not ratified.

We do need to keep up the pressure.

The second letter-writer, Mr. Faris, has been misinformed.

I assure readers that I support sewage treatment for Victoria.

What I question is the current project design, including pumping bio-solids (human sewage) to the Hartland landfill, a distance of nearly 20 kilometres — adding $36 million to the cost and depriving the project of better technologies.

As currently designed, many pollutants will not be treated at all. I believe we can do much better, even on the current timeline.

I also have never said an unkind or untrue thing about newly elected MP Murray Rankin.

It is simply unrealistic to ignore the reality that the NDP is increasingly enforcing party discipline.

Can anyone seriously imagine that all 100 members of the NDP caucus wanted to vote to bomb Libya? But they all did. Or that all oppose a carbon tax? But they must all attack a carbon tax because that is the federal party line.

To say that NDP MPs are told how to vote is not a personal comment towards Murray, who is an old friend.

It is what I see every day.

I hope to be wrong and see Murray Rankin stand his ground should he disagree with Mr. Mulcair.

If and when he does, I will be the first to salute his courage.

Elizabeth May, Member of

Parliament, Saanich-Gulf Islands



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