A letter writer is angry secondary school students were left out of the government’s proposed $40-per-day teachers’ strike compensation.

A letter writer is angry secondary school students were left out of the government’s proposed $40-per-day teachers’ strike compensation.

Voting will be their revenge

High school students left out of the B.C. government's $40 equation.

The recent decision to tempt parents with $40 a day in “child care” support is no way to compensate for what students are facing.

How do we know that in the hands of parents, this money will end up being responsibly used?

And, since the fund will only go to parents with children under 13, there’s also no support or compensation for high school students who have already lost their ability to study in the summer and get ahead. This is a generation who’s only a few years away from having to get through by themselves in life and leaving them out is no way to be of responsible service to society.

Still, there is a double-edged sword to the treatment of secondary school students. Whereas they’re currently being wholly cheated out of their education, they will also be the ones who will have the ability to help elect more responsible government in 2017.


Daryl Dela Cruz

Surrey Now Leader