Waiting on response to pipeline question

Perhaps Trans Mountain believes their commercials about how dedicated they are to pipeline safety is good enough

So far neither Mr. Toth nor anybody else from Trans Mountain have answered my question regarding pipeline safety.

My point, since Oct. 16, is that if there is a line rupture, the respective valves have to be very gradually closed to prevent a pressure spike. So, a large amount of oil will be spilled unless the oil can be diverted to a surge tank. Mr. Toth, the senior project director for the Trans Mountain expansion project, knows a significant amount of oil will be spilled before the valve upstream can be closed, even if we assume they can instantly respond to an emergency. So why has he so far refused to tell us if surge tanks are part of every valve installation? If not, why not?

Perhaps they believe that inundating us with feel-good commercials about how dedicated they are to pipeline safety is good enough. Or that they don’t really have to care what citizens think as long as the National Energy Board is stacked in their favour.

Hartmut Schmid,

Hope, B.C.

Hope Standard