Sandy Wakeling volunteered with the annual Terry Fox Run for the past 19 years, but eventually lost his own battle with cancer.

Sandy Wakeling volunteered with the annual Terry Fox Run for the past 19 years, but eventually lost his own battle with cancer.

Wakeling one of the good guys

Sandy Wakeling will be missed, says Christine Wood

Editor, The News:

Re: Sandy Wakeling

I had the good fortune to work alongside Sandy on the Pitt Meadows committee for several years.

He was a great guy, who would do anything for you.  I remember one year we did a fundraiser, Christmas in the Country at the recreation centre. He took care of serving the coffee with a slice of coffee cake for $2.

I took care of the bake sale table. The look on his face as he saw all the baked good disappearing from the table, which did not take long,  was priceless. We raised a few dollars that night.  I was shocked to read  that he had passed away.

My condolences go out to his wife and family.

Christine Wood,

Pitt Meadows

Maple Ridge News