Walking safety in Mission questioned

Does council have plans to rectify the perceived danger of walking in the district?

Editor, The Record:

If Mission is being advertised as the walking capital of the Fraser Valley, how can it be if it is not even safe for us to go for a walk around our homes? With the recent death of a pedestrian on 14 Avenue, is it safe to walk in Mission? I say no.

There are not enough street lights, sidewalks, or lit crosswalks for residents who want to walk. With obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure out of control in North America, walking, after a proper diet, is the most popular and highly recommended form of activity for people with these ailments.

It’s easy, relaxing and should be an option available for our residents. However, it is not. It is dangerous to walk in Mission even if you are street smart. Unfortunately, there is no sidewalk “standard” for a town like ours, or a Lux requirement in older developments.

Main streets like Seventh, 14th, Best, Cherry, Cade Barr, and Stave Lake need full length sidewalks and adequate street lighting. We are paying the highest property taxes/value of real estate in the Lower Mainland and yet we can’t even go for a safe walk around home without having to dodge vehicles like the early 1980s video game, Frogger.

I recognize that this has nothing to do with the current council, but is the result of decisions made previously. However, are there any plans in place to rectify this?

Artur Gryz


Mission City Record