Warmland Centre and programs should be moved

The location of the Warmland Centre was poorly chosen.



Warmland Centre and programs should be moved

Re: Homeless and potential safe injection site

It should be moved!

The location of the Warmland Centre was poorly chosen. Situated in the middle of three schools is ludicrous. Not to mention ruining a vibrant commercial and residential area. To continue on this path by adding a safe injection site would only add fuel to the fire.

An alternative site to house this program and maybe provide a bed for the hard cases that are sleeping outside, is the old Malaspina College (and adjoining Quw’utsun’ Centre) that is practically empty and looking for a tenant.

As the Ministry of Health currently leases some of the property, it’s an ideal location. Considering that area is a popular hang out for the homeless anyway. This facility is owned by the Cowichan Band and would serve as a good fit as some of their members are the ones needing help.

There was a letter on this issue a while ago suggesting a ship should be purchased to house and treat these poor folks. Solid idea, it works very well in Europe. It is certainly a better alternative to what’s happening now. For example as I was driving home through this troubled area of Beverly and York I witnessed a woman shooting up right in front of two young school girls.

Also I would like to address the folks from Maple Bay and other fine neighbourhoods: “Would you be so supportive if these programs were moved into your area?”

Scott Hayden Luck


Cowichan Valley Citizen