Waste levels well above zero

Rather than going on and on about garbage pickup at the curb, the city should try and organize garbage pickup.

To the Editor,

Re: City calling on residents to cut down to zero waste, Oct. 9.

A two-week challenge will begin later this month, apparently. Residents will be asked to keep track of waste and find a place for it other than the garbage can. Well, you are certainly encouraging folks to dump their garbage anywhere but in the appropriate receptacle.

So where should we dump our garbage? In the streets? In the parks? There are already mountains of garbage just thrown around this city as it is. Such a shame as this is a beautiful city, or could be.

Rather than going on and on about garbage pickup at the curb, the city should try and organize garbage pickup along the streets and in our beautiful parks.

Sue SharpNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin