Waste-to-energy plant might be clean, but there’s no need to burn garbage

All our garbage can be recycled, every last bit of it.

To the Editor,

Re: Incinerator will dirty city’s clean air, Guest Comment, Jan. 2.

I see no logic in Trevor Greene’s assertion that burnt ash in Cache Creek is the same as ash in the air that we breath. The leftover ash that is landfilled in Cache Creek undoubtedly leaches cadmium since we all used to throw our batteries into the garbage. The proposed incinerator at Duke Point will not be “spewing toxic ash into the air.” Modern incinerators are very clean and have scrubbers and catalytic converters on the smokestacks.

Does this mean that I’m proponent of the project at Duke Point? No, we shouldn’t be burning any garbage. All our garbage can be recycled, every last bit of it. Producing goods from oil and minerals requires lots of energy, but once the goods become trash, burning them destroys those resources forever.

T. LuscherNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin