Watch dog needed

Editor: I am writing this letter because I think there is conflict of chief and council against the Burns Lake Band members.


My name is Rosemarie West and my nickname is Chaddah (as the whole town knows me). Robin Anthony Tibbetts is my long-term, common-law who passed away Dec. 9, 2012. Robin and I were together 37 years. Robin passed away from pancreatic cancer which he suffered for four years. Robin also had plastic surgery on his nose two months before he died.

My son, my daughter and I all took care of Robin night and day with hardly any sleep. Robin was in excruciating pain and attended many doctor appointments but doctors refused to give pain medication due to the alcohol he took for the pain. My daughter drove us to medical appointments because he was not given patient travel.

Now I am writing this letter because I think there is conflict of chief and council against the Burns Lake Band members. This is to Mr. Speaker Parliament House of Canada. Stephen Harper said in 2007 that he was going to investigate all corrupt First Nation band offices. Why? Because of the conspiracy for Enbridge pipeline to go through.

Albert Gerow is Carol James husband (Carol is the former NDP party leader). Mr. Gerow, is also a former RCMP member, had stepped down as the Burns Lake Band chief. There were 50 or so RCMP officers from Prince George, Houston and Smithers. One councilor was removed from the office of council. Guns were drawn. We need a proper forensic audit for the Burns Lake Indian Band immediately. I have no support or income since my husband passed away. Robin did leave me with life insurance which has run out.


Rosemarie West


Burns Lake Lakes District News