Watch out for distracted drivers

I looked in my rear view mirror, and saw a woman doing so many things at once, she must be a OctoMom

Dear editor,

Thank you for letting us know about the possible ‘catnapper’ in Courtenay (Record, Aug.15). We will definitely be on the look out and hope your furry friend comes home soon.

We have also noticed ‘strange goings-on in our Valley! Last Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. I saw a dreaded OctoMom driving on Noel Ave. in front of the fire station and Rec Centre. She must have had eight hands, although I don’t know how that’s possible.

The speed limit in that area is 30 km/hr, which I was doing, then a red car came up behind me really fast.

I looked in my rear view mirror, and saw a woman doing so many things at once, she must be a OctoMom; I was really scared, but I’ll try to explain what I saw.

She was now almost on my bumper. I looked again into my rear view mirror and felt terror! One hand had a coffee cup, one hand was putting on make-up on her eyes while she looked into her rear view mirror to apply it, another hand was honking the horn at me to speed up, another hand was holding her phone to her head, while another hand was smacking the two kids in the back seat.

I thought to myself, how could one person do so many things at once? Then I thought our friends at the RCMP station might want to chat with her, so they could learn how she does it.

Just as I was getting a pen out of my pocket to write down her license, she passed me on the right side doing at least 60 km/hr, then did a immediate right turn into Comox Rec Centre.

If that’s not super scary enough, when OctoMom passed on the right side, a mom with a child in a stroller was entering the cross walk at the fire station. That Mom was smart — with keen eyes, she anticipated what was going on.

As OctoMom screamed by us both, we shared a stunned glance.

In the next few days, our RCMP friends are going to be checking all school zones, rec centres and parks to slow motorist down by giving big fat tickets to people who break the law, to get all of us ready for school.

I have some friends at our wonderful RCMP station. As well as asking them to protect our kids by slowing down our drivers, I’m going to ask them to keep a eye out for any ‘catnappers’, if I hear any news or leads, I’ll call you first!

Steven Baird

Street Smart Kidz


Comox Valley Record