Watch out for one another

We got a visit at 8:20 p.m. Thursday from a male stranger.

Editor, The News:

We got a visit at 8:20 p.m. Thursday from a male stranger.

My husband opened the window and stuck his head out.

The stranger at first tried to gain entry to our house by saying, “Have you heard about the break-ins around here? I could show you how to secure your home.”

My husband assured the fellow that he was always home and security wasn’t an issue.

So the stranger changed tactics and said, “Well we (we who? No ID) sell fire prevention, too. I could come in and show you.”

The man called himself John, but it was too dark to make out a physical description, just a slight Asian accent.

My husband reported this to the non-emergency RCMP line. They were not surprised to hear it.

Please be aware that people out there are ‘canvassing’ door-to-door to see who will let them in to their house so they can scope out the place and rob it later.

This has happened before on 227th Street and other places in town.

RCMP apprehended people doing this last year.

It was in The News.

This is not a joke but a bona fide security risk.

Neighbours, watch out for each other.

Janine Lehmann

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News