Water and farmland need protecting

The Wall property should not be developed for many reasons.

Editor: With all the well-articulated and compelling arguments against developing the Wall property that were made in January, I am very disappointed that this issue is coming before Langley Township council yet again.

There are many reasons to reject the proposal. As council members know, there is an urgent need to protect our sources of water, arable land and green spaces.

I recognize that council members feel obliged to represent developers, as well as members of the public. However, if council says yes to this development, it will be much harder to say no when other under-utilized agricultural properties come up for similar consideration.

The land being offered up for the endowment in this proposal can’t be used for farming or housing. The owner of the property should see this riparian zone, as many owners all along the Salmon River do, as valuable fish and wildlife habitat, not a bargaining chip.

I urge council members to adhere to Metro Vancouver’s Regional Growth Strategy and reject this spot-zoning application.

It is difficult, but important, to think in the long term. The Township deserves great respect for the vital role it will play in feeding the citizens of Metro Vancouver in the near future. We will be the bread basket of the Lower Mainland.

Vancouverites will have to appreciate the thoughtful council members in the Township of Langley who stood up to developers’ pressure, in favour of protecting our food sources and green spaces.

Leslie Dyson,


Langley Times