Water concerns boiling over

Business owner upset with the cost of water in Greater Vernon

I agree with Kathleen Cameron’s letter of Dec 11 in the Morning Star.

As a business owner in Vernon who uses a great deal of water in a laundromat, we cannot afford another water increase.

What will end up happening is laundromats, car washes, hotels, motels any other business that uses large quantities of water will end up closing their doors.

The trickle-down effect is that when all of these business have closed their doors, where do you think our summer  tourist will stay, here or in Kelowna which pays one-third less for its water than we do in Vernon.

Our local and provincial politicians need to step up to the plate and deliver a solution to this out of control issue.

As Kathleen Cameron said, we need to speak up.

Everyone should be writing and calling Greater Vernon Water and those who are making these decisions about our  community and our future.

Mike Parent



Vernon Morning Star