Water conservation efforts pay off

I am glad to see brown lawns and other signs that we are being responsible citizens.

To the Editor,

Re: Water revenue falls as citizens cut back use, Aug. 25.

Hurray that we recognize the need to reduce our water consumption. I am glad to see brown lawns and other signs that we are being responsible citizens.

Sadly the city’s 2014 water conservation plan was not made more robust because it feared reduced revenues, now a reality as a result of our conscientious reduction in use. As we have seen, we can save a lot of water if we want to. If water rates rose to help make up for the revenue shortfall, those of us who are being more conscientious would likely pay no more than before, but those who don’t save water will pay quite a bit more. This is as it should be.

In the end we will all save money because a reduced demand for this precious commodity will push back the day new water infrastructure has to be built. And the planet will be grateful, too. A win-win solution – all because we worked together.

Ian GartshoreNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin