Water main questions

Parksville’s mayor will not reconsider the decision made at the April 18 council meeting regarding alignment of the water pipeline.

Does Parksville city council understand due diligence? Parksville’s mayor will not reconsider the decision made at the April 18 council meeting regarding alignment of the water pipeline. Yet, three councillors stated that they were not fully informed when they decided to vote.

Many questions were raised by council related to the south side ever being costed out.  It wasn’t. Have they exercised due diligence with the taxpayer’s money if this hasn’t been done? All residents are asking for is a thorough detailed transmission route analysis (what should have been done in the first place) that looks at both sides of the tracks and takes into consideration the social, economic and environmental aspects. We believe all taxpayers would want to ensure a fair process has taken place and that all options are explored.

The engineering consultant hired by the city to work on this project has stated: “Could it stay to the south, yes.  At the city’s request, we can review it, we can move it… this is the city’s preference. We typically don’t hit them (fibre optic cables). We would just be pushed closer to the edge of the right-of-way.”

City staff are more concerned with keeping the project on schedule as opposed to the flooding risk and impact this is going to have on residents. One councillor stated: “this was a done deal from the start. Residents have never even been allowed to present to council.”

As PQB NEWS editor John Harding wrote in his May 17 editorial: “decisions are being made or heavily influenced by non-elected people… but they were not chosen by taxpayers to steer the ship of government.”

The due diligence process can be lengthy, but ultimately leads to the reputational protection of the council and its finances.

Mike SheremataParksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News