Water rates

Resident concerned about the cost of water in Greater Vernon

As I read Joel van der Molen’s letter, I thought, “You are comparing apples to oranges.”

So I decided to do a water break down and compare gas to water litre for litre.

I took out our last water bill which was from 01/04/15 to 30/06/15. The bill was for $124.92, — $101.80 was water base and $23.12 was water consumption.

A cubic metre of water is 1,000 litres. If I were to pay the same price as gas was today per litre that would work out to $1,179 for a cubic meter of water. That is more than we paid for the past two years for water.

I then multiplied the $1,179 by 26 (because that’s how many cubic metres we consumed) and that came out to $30,654.00, had we paid $1.179 per litre.

I then did the math on how much we paid per litre of water and it worked out to $0.004805.   26000×.004805= $124.93.

Now I ask you, who do you think is really ripping us off?

Pat Scherck



Vernon Morning Star