Water to south residents should be top priority

Harrison Hot Springs residents need water more than a pretty building

Mayor Facios “newsletter” of June 13 tells us we’re building a new “Village office public works site” at a cost of  $1.9 million — plus.

Do we really NEED this?  Public Works south of the village office is non existent, even more so since garbage collection was contracted out, and even the green waste collection area disappeared, leaving us to our own devices in dealing with the bio mass which accumulates annually.

Before the village spends more millions improving the appearance of the north end of the village, it might consider bringing necessities like water to residents south of Walnut Street!

Given that the village has already issued at least one boil water advisory — and spent a bundle inspecting the sewage system mere yards from my own well, (hmm-any leakage found?) — a secure water supply would be nice. Much nicer than, say, a prettified village office with nice landscaping?

And maybe — at the same time — the disintegrating streets and sinking kerbs could be fixed?

Or are MY priorities misplaced?

Agassiz Observer