Water woes

Resident concerned about officials' handling of master water plan

In regard to your article about the Greater Vernon master water plan defeat, I can sure see why.

For a start, the authorities came down again, like Big Daddy, saying, “We will do this for you. All you have to do is grant us $70 million for our plans.”

The citizens of the area, still reeling from recent high expenditures, are saying, “Enough is enough.”

And now, Eric Foster, MLA, points out that money will not likely be forthcoming from government coffers, as they are spending the money we have given them on locations where there are more voters.

He also includes a veiled threat to put in the water system anyway. So then we would no doubt have to pay for it. Thanks a lot Eric.

Many of our voters have lived their lives struggling to pay their living expenses. A figure of $70 million for a water system is beyond our belief. The suggestion by Gyula Kiss seems to make sense, and if we used more water from our lakes, we would not have the usual run off problems of muddy surface water from the creek.


Bob Patmore




Vernon Morning Star