Water worries

Friday’s News advises us the city’s water supply is back to normal, but is still precarious so that we must keep consumption down.

The lead article in Friday’s News advises us the city’s water supply is back to normal, but is still precarious so that we must keep consumption down.

It is evident the city’s development has outgrown the capacity of its existing water supply.

However, we are told this situation will be corrected, in a year or so, when the new intake and filtration plant are completed; at a cost of $50,000,000.

Perhaps city council will assure residents, who may be worried that their taxes will increase astronomically, that the $50,000,000 is already covered by the development charges paid by the developers and by a portion of the increased tax base?

Hopefully, city residents are not expected to subsidise the profits of out-of-town developers by paying for the off-site infrastructure required to support such new developments.

W.H. AtwoodParksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News