We are called to love our brothers and sisters, whether they share our opinions or not

"Lately the issues seem to be between those choosing to get vaccinated and those who are not."

Rev Meridyth Robertson

“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

Ephesians 4:1-3

Society continues to go through a troublesome time due to COVID.

Even amongst God’s people, patience wanes and frustrations peek through and clash, as people of faith take differing views and have contrary opinions.

Lately the issues seem to be between those choosing to get vaccinated and those who are not.

I pray that each of us can remember that we are called to love one another in a manner consistent with Christ, and maintain the unity of the Spirit — no matter what.

Even in our disagreements, we are called to love our brothers and sisters in Christ, whether they share our opinions or not; whether we choose to get vaccinated or not to get vaccinated.

We need to get along with each other and show that we are Christians by our love.

Even in our disagreements, let us remember to pray for one another and seek God’s blessings in each other’s lives.

We need to see each other through the eyes of Jesus.

We need to be unified! We need to work towards unity.

What the church needs now more than ever is Revival!

Jonathan Edwards d.1758 (American revivalist, preacher, philosopher and theologian)

“In order to have revival, there must not only be unity among the churches, but it must be a seen unity.”

Whatever church family you are a part of, there will be differences and it will not always be easy to get along with one another.

But that is what we are called to — we are called to be unified.

Are you ready for the Revival that God is going to bring to our churches?

God has great things planned for us!!

To God be the Glory!


Reverend Meridyth Robertson

Presbyterian Church, Trail

Trail Daily Times