We can all fight bullies

It should not be solely up to some of the younger generation to identify and stop bullying

Reading a letter titled “Standing up to bullies” encouraged me to write this opinionated letter.

It should not be solely up to some of the younger generation to identify and stop bullying, but I do believe some of these younger generation are on the list of being bullied someday by someone. I believe they should be prepared.

I have had big-time bully managers of apartments bully me, but I am not going to take it anymore and should not have to take their bullying. I believe in taking extensive action from now on and have done so in the past. I believe tenants should not be afraid of fighting for their rights or be afraid of managers or landlords.

I refuse to be shouted at, accused, or be taken for granted. Life is too short and money is not everything.

The whole world is in a fight, and in my opinion, I see it coming to an end as the pressure of hate is getting too strong.

Vivian Clark





Penticton Western News