We can find confidence in God’s love

We are born in the image of God, given the human spirit, intended by God to repent and receive the Holy Spirit.

To the Editor,

We are born in the image of God, given the human spirit, intended by God to repent and receive the Holy Spirit. A Christian, then, is two spirits in one. This is to enable throughout our lives to be obedient and do the will of God on Earth as in heaven.

God will sometimes strip us of things in our lives, including our own self-sufficiency. This is not a vindictive God, but quite the reverse, as it may seem at the time, God in His love may undermine what we have become dependent upon, not to leave us bereft of confidence, but that we may find our confidence in Him.

When we purchase a motor vehicle we are given a manual of instructions necessary to gain top performance only if we use the right spirit. In the same way, God gives us the Bible of living instructions to ensure we use the right spirit of God.

Robert B. BrownNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin