We don’t need the stress of dealing with a massive extra bill for hospital parking

Letters to the Editor

Dear Saanich Coun. Judy Brownoff, Re: Hospital parking,

The Campbell River Mirror (www.campbellrivermirror.com, April 15) quotes you on the issue of hospital parking as saying, “It’s a difficult situation,” and “I’d rather the dollars go to health care than a parkade.”

While I cannot say how delightful it is to have elected representatives using our tax money wisely, it seems to me you have not completely thought this one through. I know Jim Abram and other north island representatives have attempted to explain. Allow me to try as well.

I am a regular user of the Campbell River Hospital. Every couple of weeks I need to attend Medical Daycare and spend some hours sitting in a comfy chair there while I am infused with blood products to support my immune system. I have been doing this for most of a decade as I have fought a very rare cancer into remission. It has meant I am unable to work though and I am on medical disability. It is all I can do to make my mortgage payments. I absolutely count on the food bank. I simply do not have the room in my budget for another $40-$60 to pay parking at the hospital.

Take the bus you say? I live on Quadra Island and so need to drive across. Park a few blocks away and take a refreshing walk you say? Save the money for healthcare you say? I was run down by a truck while going home from one of these infusions and am unable to walk a few blocks. You absolutely put me at much higher risk by asking me to attempt such behavior.

My cost to the system is already extensive. Your willingness to “have the dollars go to healthcare” means I will not be able to afford to get my life saving infusions. That certainly will save the system some money. I will be dead.

You likely will just blow me off as a crank. I am not. I was a first responder and a total family man. I know a number of people who are at risk if parking becomes a cash grab for the hospital. They are in exactly my situation – they come from outlying communities for regular treatments and they are dealing with life changing illnesses.

We just do NOT need the stress of dealing with a massive extra bill on a very limited income. I personally know a few who will stay away, unable to deal with this. It will kill them. Their blood will be on your hands.

Frankly, my blood will be on your hands.

I hope you sleep well. You likely will, after counting all the dollars you make from hospital parking.

Mike Windrim

Quadra Island


Campbell River Mirror