We have the ability to create good jobs for a decent life


“This will create jobs!” Most people want there to be decent work for anyone who wants a good job. Work is a task of life.


“This will create jobs!” Most people want there to be decent work for anyone who wants a good job. Work is a task of life.

Are we promised jobs because manipulators only want what isn’t theirs? Is it OK to give manipulators what they want so we can have a job and live? Are we all hooked and netted in a codependent relationship of a dysfunctional system?

Are we unable to think beyond an unlimited economic growth model … still believing unlimited growth will provide unlimited prosperity … if not for all … then for a few?

Is the “business as usual” mantra saying “only growth will create jobs” leading to the collapse of human civilization? We live on a finite planet.

Must we deny we are destroying our biosphere? Are we saying environmental protection is a barrier to doing business as usual? Are we mainly caring about ending our own poverty, unemployment and fear? Are we manipulated for our consent by our need to work to live?

Especially now, do we need to ask if our global economy will take us to an effective and sustained democracy for all the people … for social equality, social justice, stability, freedom, and peace for all members of our human family? Is a hard-core capitalist entrepreneurship dysfunctional?

Do we need to measure our economic activity with a humane definition for the welfare and benefit of all members of our human family?

Are we destroying democracy by maintaining an elitism-elite who want endless power and control for their own needs? Should we choose to immerse ourselves in our democratic evolutionary stream or not? You decide.

We have the ability to create good jobs for a decent life for all for a “voluntarily” chosen limited global population (8 or 9 billion) … with prosperity for everyone for perhaps a thousand future generations.

Herb Nakada

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune