To the Editor:
We live in a Wi-Fi World
I, like most of your readers are connected to Wi-Fi in one way or another. It maybe your cell phone or your computer, a cordless phone or a baby monitor; its almost an obsession with some but why not its so convenient. Advanced metering (Smart meters)will be here this year, God forbid. Smart appliances are already here. What are smart appliances?
They are the new Wi-Fi connected “Energy star” fridges and stoves, washers and dryers, computers, etc. The “energy star” logo on the appliance is said to indicate that it is energy efficiant? It also means that it has a Wi-Fi chip in it capable of communicating with your smart meter. If you have a number of these appliances throughout your home they will all be communicating with the meter flooding your home with low levels of electromagnetic radiation constantly.
I have just learned that Smart appliances will be one of the “five most hacked” systems by cybercrimminals for 2014, according to Kevin Haley of Symantec Security Response.
“The ubiquity of wireless communication technologies can result in near constant exposure to low levels of Electromagnetic radiation close to source”.
-World Health Organization
George Venables, Cawston,