We must all get involved in the battle against the Ebola epidemic

Dear editor,

Doctors Without Borders (msf.ca) is the front line against the Ebola epidemic. Msf has been responding to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa since March 2014. Close to 3,000 msf staff are working in the region, including some 250 international staff.

The UN has called the epidemic a “crisis unparalleled in modern times.”

The world’s response has been, in the words of MSF International President Dr. Joanne Liu, “lethally inadequate.  We are honestly at a loss as to how a single, private NGO is providing the bulk of isolation units and beds. States have a political and humanitarian responsibility to halt this mounting disaster. It can only be done by massively deploying assets to the field, and battling the epidemic at its roots. The first pledges have been made, now more countries must urgently also mobilize. The clock is ticking.

Canada is sending help but obviously the world needs to do more. We can encourage our government to do more 1-800-667-8404 and we can donate directly to msf.ca 1-800-982-7903.

M. McLachlan



Comox Valley Record