We need more info on pipeline

Editor: Re: Chevron’s Pacific Trail Pipelines Project


Re: Chevron’s Pacific Trail Pipelines Project

This letter is a head-up to all local people. During the construction phase of the Chevron PTP/Pacific Trail Pipelines Project, there will be dangerous increases in industrial traffic along our road systems, even residential roads such as Buck Flats. *please note the same issues apply to Francois Lake Road and many other areas along the PTP ROW/right-of-way.

Buck Flats Road is a Class 6 Highway all the way out to the Parrott Trail fork @28km. There are alternate road-routes, such as Morice River Road and Parrott Main Road for PTP-traffic, but Chevron does not recognize or understand that their truck-traffic during Construction Phase of their Project represents a danger to all people, including local residents.

In addition, there will be many access restrictions along our roadways and road closures within our back-country road systems. These include: Carrier Road, Parrott Trail, Buck-Goosly Road, Parrott Main and others…..closures due not only to work-camp locations but to the trench-construction and pipe installation along the pipeline ROW. These closures will be in-effect for two or three full-summer-seasons of the Chevron construction plan.

There has been no information about these adverse impacts to our local lives, no mechanism for communication of our concerns and now we see that Chevron is getting ready to apply for Permitting, with no consultation with the folks who live here….the people most directly affected by this Chevron PTP Project have no voice, no right to be heard regarding our interests and our lives.

How will Chevron design this pipeline project to reflect our concerns?


Glenda Ferris



Burns Lake Lakes District News