A letter writer disputes recent claims of lower crime in Surrey and says what’s really needed are more police officers on the street.

A letter writer disputes recent claims of lower crime in Surrey and says what’s really needed are more police officers on the street.

We need more police on the streets

As I sit on my patio watching the latest hooker on her way down to the local hooker stroll, I cannot help but wonder about where in Surrey is this “crime is down” mantra being played out.

I am sick and tired of dealing with the personal cost of crime in my neighbourhood. Having just replaced my 15th bike, and another freezer-load of groceries, I can only think that people elsewhere in Surrey are getting special treatment for these statistics to be true.

A recent violent domestic murder, violent jewelry store heists and the latest round of gangland shootings indicates to me that we are a big city with big crime problems. The fact is evident in our neighbourhood when we hear the police helicopter hovering nearby. We keep our heads up for flying bullets.

Lower crime rates? I think someone is blowing smoke out to the Fraser Valley.

You can have all the strategies and analysts in the world but the fact is we need more cops on the street.

Doug Elford

Surrey Now Leader