We need the prayer

A Little Perspective column by Pat Kelly

The TV schedule never varies for us when my sister has the remote—and Gin always has the remote. Early morning brings us retro game shows, then come the monster movies (snakes, crocs, sharks, spiders, etc.), then The Price is Right, followed by 16 hours of food and cooking shows.

She was watching a sea monster flick the other morning that took place on a ship in a never-ending monsoon out on the high seas. And, of course, just to prove the monster means business, there must be some expendable crew members.

This particular movie didn’t have a lot of that monster stuff until two-thirds of the way through. So when people started getting killed off they were falling left, right and centre at a pretty good clip. In no time at all they were down were down to only one remaining pretty female character.

What was left of the crew fought valiantly to keep her alive. Man oh man, there was lots of action around this heroine because, obviously, the pretty female actor can’t get eaten—she has to be alive at the end of the movie.

The leading man also has to pull through so they can do the kissing scene and, of course, the sequel is only going to be possible if some chunk of the monster escapes to come back again in the next movie.


I thought I had heard it all. But when I saw a social media posting asking, “Does anyone here make Kombucha? My scoby has died and am looking for a fresh one to start again.”

Obviously there is much more in life for me to learn. Kombucha, scoby? Sounds fun! Like something that Dr. Seuss could work with.


I was going through the Netflix menu the other day trying to find something to watch and came across Some Kind of Beautiful, a 2014 film in which “A womanizing poetry professor re-evaluates his romantic life when he impregnates a graduate student, then falls in love with his sister.

Yeah—sounds to me like a good time for this fellow to look in the mirror and take stock alright.


We had to go to the Department of Motor Vehicles a while back to get a new state issued ID number for my mom. Those DMV folks really have customer service nailed. There was a machine on the table by the door and the sign said to “Take a number.” So I did—Mom is now Oregon ID #36.


The Rock Creek and Boundary Fall Fair happens this weekend. I had promised some friends back home I would try to make it. Unfortunately, reality got in the way and I can’t be there this year. I’ll be present in spirit though.

Sure will be happy when I do get back home to Canada though. Living down here with this election is stressful. Especially when I try to figure it out what it all means.

Sometimes people will set their jaw into a defiant “Dare you to dare me back” kind of expression and declare themselves as a Donald Trump supporter. At times this is both embarrassing and disturbing. Embarrassing because it was my dear aunt telling me she was voting for Trump. Her reason? “Because Clinton is evil.”

Deeply disturbing because if things down here really do go sideways I might find myself on the opposite side from my dear aunt in a civil war.

Pray for us. We need the prayer and you probably need the practice.


Take care of someone who loves you …



Boundary Creek Times