We need to educate people to save the bears

Some humans are doing unreasonable things like killing bears in trophy hunts

Editor, The Times:

These days humanity no longer has a true meaning because some humans are doing unreasonable things like killing bears in trophy hunts, where they only take the head, skin, and paws.

Now, is this humane? As Canadians we are proud to have a bear on our two-dollar coin, yet many bears in our country are dying.

Next time you hand a two-dollar coin to the person behind the cashier think about these animals that are suffering right now.

Someone has to put a stop to this, and many people do not know about it and going living their lives without a thought.

This is why we need to educate people through social media, booths, newspapers, or just by raising your voice. We can make a big difference.

Astrid Ludwig, age nine

Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times