We really appreciate return of son’s wallet, but …

I am thankful for the return of my son’s wallet, but sad that your daughter had to witness your lack of moral conscience...

Editor, The News:

I would sincerely like to thank the man who, with his daughter, stepped out of his parked car outside the Tim Horton’s ,on 224th Street in Maple Ridge to retrieve my son’s dropped wallet.

It was amazing to see him return to his car with the wallet, clear out the cash contents, then dutifully hand it to the two police officers who were on bicycle patrol in the parking lot.

While I honestly appreciate the fact that you handed the wallet over to the policemen,   I cannot, for the life of me,  understand, how you could so easily take the money out of the wallet, in front of your daughter, and think that that was acceptable behavior in front of your child.

Oh, did I forget to mention, you were caught on surveillance camera, so thankfully, my son was able to retrieve his wallet from the police station.

I am thankful for the return of my son’s wallet, with all his identification in it, but sad that your daughter had to witness your lack of moral conscience.

Phil Thomas

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News