We should all be worried about transmitters

Mr. Biggar should not be concerned about the possible dangers of a Telus micro-cell transmitter, he should be worried sick

Re: “New transmitters prompt health worries”, (Citizen,        Sept. 14)

Mr. Biggar should not be concerned about the possible dangers of a Telus micro-cell transmitter, he should be worried sick, as should anyone else sleeping or living next to one.

I will try to explain my view in layman’s terms, physiologically and in business terms. The nucleus of any cell in the human body receives messages of all kinds from different parts of the body when it should replicate.

If these are distorted or the nucleus is damaged then it is possible for the cell to replicate out of control and we all know where that leads.

Take, for instance, the use of ultrasound for sports injuries for example.

You can set it at a low frequency of emission, and as long as you keep the head of the apparatus moving in a figure of eight there is no problem. As soon as you stop the head it becomes microwave and damages the nucleus and causes pain.

It is all very well for Telus to inform us that, “wireless sites come hundreds if not thousands of times below safe standards”, in other words the emissions are very low, but in the human body the electrical/chemical emissions are millions of times less than the so-called safe level.

The government (politicians), in hand with national corporations, set the safe levels just as the tobacco companies used to tell us that smoking was good for us and there was no dangers associated with tobacco.


Anthony Mathews

Cobble Hill

Cowichan Valley Citizen