We should have a choice with Smater Meters



Did you know that BC Hydro will install a smart meter in homes by 2012?

A smart meter is a piece of wireless technology that will replace your existing meter. BC Hydro is claiming these will help in hydro theft, report electricity more accurately, and modernize our system. This all sounds good except for the fact that the safety of wireless technology is very controversial.

Smart meters employ radio frequency radiation and send signals wirelessly  24/7.

The negative heath impacts from this constant frequency can include headaches, dizziness, sleep problems, tinnitus, and many more serious problems as our exposure to electromagnetic radiation continues to grow.

Many people choose to have wireless internet, cell phones, cordless phones etc. and that is each person’s choice, but unfortunately, as all of us know who have detected someone else wireless on our computer know, most of us really don’t have a choice. I urge you all to look at the sage report (http://sagereports.com/smart-meter) to view all the scientific data on the effects of low intensity radio frequency, everything from emotional behavioral changes to a two fold increase in leukemia in children.

My meter is right on the side wall of my playroom, and my house is so small I have no choice but to have that room as the children’s play room and my office.

I am scared, and worried about not being given a choice. I choose to have wired internet, have my children speak on a wired phone, but I feel helpless at being told that regardless of how I feel I will not have a choice.

I do not find this kind of attitude  of a company partially funded by us to be acceptable. A few months ago, in California, the City of Capitola,  became the seventh local government in California to criminalize the installation of smart meters in their jurisdiction.

One councilman Sam Storey said, “It sends a message to both the legislature and PG&E that we feel people should be able to make choice. In our society people should be able to choose. Frankly I think PG&E has done a terrible job of rolling this out and communicating with the public on smart meters.

I hope our council stands up like theirs did ,and I hope we as a people can say that yes, we do have a choice!”

Please see http://www.citizensforsafetechnology.org/ to download a paper for your meter, and find out more.

A. Richards

North Cowichan


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